Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

Technology / Computers / Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG): Pronounced 'J-Peg.' It's an image format that allows for compression when stored.
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Other Words for Group

Group Adjective Synonyms: assembly, assemblage, gathering, congregation, company, number, alliance, union, association, organization, league, society, coterie, clique, set, band, circle, club, party, body, faction, crowd, team, corps, guild, troupe, unit, troop, platoon, squad
Group Noun Synonyms: batch, aggregation, set, grouping, collection, assemblage, bunch, accumulation, conglomeration, agglomeration, assortment, series, pile, heap, bundle

Other Words for Joint

Joint Verb Synonyms: seam, union, juncture, connection, junction, intersection
Joint Noun Synonyms: roast

Other Words for Photographic

Photographic Verb Synonyms: vivid, natural, realistic, graphic, accurate, exact, precise, faithful, detailed, lifelike, true to life
Photographic Noun Synonyms: cinematic, filmic, pictorial

Joint Tenancy

Business / Construction / Joint Tenancy: A form of ownership in which the tenants own a property equally. If one dies, the other automatically inherits the entire property. MORE

Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship

Business / Finance / Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship: In the case of a joint account, on the death of one account holder, ownership of the account assets is transferred to the remaining account holder or holders. MORE

Joint Tax Return

Business / Finance / Joint Tax Return: Tax return filed by two people, usually spouses. MORE

Joint Tape

Lifestyle / Painting / Joint Tape: Special paper or paper-faced cotton tape used over joints between wallboard to conceal the joint and provide a smooth surface for painting. MORE

Joint Stock Company

Business / Finance / Joint Stock Company: A form of business organization that falls between a corporation and a partnership. The company sells stock, and its shareholders are free to sell their stock, but shareholders are liable for all debt MORE

Joint Trench

Business / Construction / Joint Trench: When the electric company and telephone company dig one trench and 'drop' both of their service lines in. MORE