Technology / Computers / Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): IMAP is gradually replacing POP as the main protocol used by email clients in communicating with email servers. Using IMAP, an email client program can not only retrieve email but can also manipulate messages stored on the server without having to actually retrieve the messages. So messages can be deleted, have their status changed, multiple mail boxes can be managed, etc.
Search Google for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP):
Message Verb Synonyms: communication, bulletin, report, news, dispatch or despatch, information, word, intelligence, tidings, note, missive, letter, memorandum
Message Noun Synonyms: idea, point, import, meaning, essence, implication
Protocol Noun Synonyms: rule(s) or code(s) or standard(s) of behavior or conduct, convention(s), custom(s), diplomacy, formality, formalities, form, etiquette, politesse, manners, practice,age, authority
Health / Health Insurance / Open Access: A provision that specifies that plan members may self-refer to a specialist, either in-network or out-of-network, at full benefit or at a reduced benefit, without first obtaining a referral from a pri MORE
Technology / Computers / Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM): Any type of memory that is made non-volatile by connecting it to a constant power source, such as a battery. Therefore, non-volatile memory does not lose its contents when the main power is turned off MORE
Technology / Computers / Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA): A method of configuring a cluster of microprocessor in a multiprocessing system so that they can communicate with each other, this improves performance and its expansion ability. MORE