Technology / Computers / Internet Information Server (IIS): A Web server that runs on the Windows NT/2000 platforms. It allows the creation of web-based applications. IIS provides both FTP server and web server capability.
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Information Adjective Synonyms: knowledge, data, facts, intelligence, message, word, advice, news, tidings, report, communication, info, low-down, dirt, dope, gen, bumf, poop
Technology / Email / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME): An encoding method designed for exchanging binary files over the Internet (particularly via email messages) in a standardized, platform-independent form using a coding scheme called base64. A MIME-enc MORE
Technology / Computers / Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): A standard that allows for the attachment of files such as images, sounds and animations to electronic mail messages. This preset information is preloaded in to the Web server and the Internet browser MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Listserver: A program that automatically sends email to a list of subscribers. It is the mechanism that is used to keep newsgroups informed. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): The federal government's executive branch advisory committee for telecommunications. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Neighborhood Information Request: A questionnaire used by brokers to obtain information about the neighborhood where a listed property is located. The questionnaire is completed by the homeowner and can provide valuable information th MORE
Business / Finance / Nonpublic Information: Information about a company that is not known by the general public, which will have a definite impact on the stock price when released. See: Insider trading. MORE