Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Technology / Computers / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): A non-profit professional organization with 365,000 members in 150 countries, dedicated to the advancement of technology related to electricity and electrical components. IEEE forms groups for the establishment of electronic technology standards, like the 802 standards for inter-networking.
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Other Words for Institute

Institute Noun Synonyms: inaugurate, introduce, initiate, set up, start, begin, originate, commence, pioneer
Institute Adjective Synonyms: society, organization, association, league, alliance, guild

Point Of View

Entertainment / Literature / Point Of View: The way a story gets told and who tells it. It is the method of narration that determines the position, or angle of vision, from which the story unfolds. Point of view governs the reader's access to t MORE

Point Of View Character

Entertainment / Literature / Point Of View Character: The central figure in a limited point of view narration, the character through whom the reader experiences the author's representation of the world. See point of view, above. MORE

Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan

Health / Dentistry / Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan: A health plan allowing the member to choose to receive a service from a participating or non-participating provider, with different benefits levels associated with the use of participating providers. MORE

Point Of Sale (POS)

Business / Accounting / Point Of Sale (POS): The place where a sale of goods takes place, eg. a shop counter. MORE

Point of Presence (POP)

Technology / Computers / Point of Presence (POP): A Point of Presence usually means a city or location where a network can be connected to, often with dial up phone lines. So if an Internet company says they will soon have a POP in Belgrade, it means MORE

Point Of Beginning (POB)

Business / Real Estate / Point Of Beginning (POB): In a metes-and bounds legal description, the starting point of the survey, situated in one corner of the parcel, all metes-and-bounds descriptions must follow the boundaries of the parcel back to the MORE