Technology / Computers / Helper Application: This is an application your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded program.
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Application Noun Synonyms: use, employment, utilization, practice, operation
Technology / Cell Phones / Mutually Exclusive Applications: Two or more applications for the same spectrum use rights. MORE
Science / Astrology / Mutual Application: Said of two planets moving toward each other, one direct and the other retrograde. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Loan Application: A lenders initial sourse of information on a borrower/applicant and the collateral involved, stipulates the amount of money requested and repayment terms. MORE
Science / Biology / Helper T Cells: A type of lymphocyte that stimulates the production of antibodies by activating B cells when an antigen is present. MORE
Science / Astrology / Retrograde Application: Term used in reference to a retrograde planet which, because of its retrograde motion, applies to an aspect with another planet. If both planets are moving toward each other, the term mutual applicati MORE