
Technology / Computers / Driver: A driver is a software program that is the driving force behind a device. Each computer device needs a driver. Many drivers are included with a computers operating system when you purchase it such as; keyboard, monitor and disk drives. In a Windows operating system, the divers file extension is .DRV. In a DOS system, they are .SYS. The driver is written with specific commands for the device it is written for.
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Virtual Device Driver (VDD)

Technology / Computers / Virtual Device Driver (VDD): In Windows systems, a special type of device driver that has direct access to the operating system kernel. This allows them to interact with system and hardware resources at a very low level. In Windo MORE

Device Driver

Technology / Computers / Device Driver: A program that resides in memory and is loaded to control a device. Most devices like sound cards, graphics cards, and often printers, require device drivers to help the computer operate the device pr MORE

Ribbon Driver

Technology / Home Audio / Ribbon Driver: The ribbon tweeter driver is a very thin corrugated aluminum 'voice coil' hanging freely like a streamer in a side-by-side magnetic field. A ribbon is actually a type of dynamic driver, in which the v MORE