
Technology / Computers / Client: A client is commonly referred to as a program or a process that requests information from other programs or processes. A web browser is a good example of a client. Another example would be an email client such as Outlook Express.
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Other Words for Client

Client Noun Synonyms: customer, patron, shopper, patient


Technology / Computers / Client-Server: A network type where every computer is either a server with the role of sharing resources with clients or a client that can access the resources on the server. MORE

Thin Client

Technology / Computers / Thin Client: Typically, a Thin Client will have little or no software installed and does not recieve its information through a hard drive but rather from servers in a network. Since a Thin Client assumes the prese MORE

Web Client

Technology / Computers / Web Client: When using a web browser to display web pages hosted by a web server, your computer would be acting as a web client. MORE

Clientele Effect

Business / Finance / Clientele Effect: An adjunct to a futures exchange through which transactions executed on its floor are settled by a process of matching purchases and sales. A clearing organization is also charged with the proper cond MORE

Dividend Clientele

Business / Finance / Dividend Clientele: An arrangement under which sponsors of a project agree to contribute as equity any prior dividends received from the project to the extent necessary to cover any cash deficiencies. MORE

Leverage Clientele

Business / Finance / Leverage Clientele: A group of shareholders who, because of their personal leverage, seek to invest in corporations that maintain a compatible degree of corporate leverage. MORE