Telematics Control Unit (TCU)

Technology / Cell Phones / Telematics Control Unit (TCU): The embedded vehicle control unit that communicates with the automobile controls, GPS satellite and customer service center to provide Telematics features to a driver.
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Other Words for Control

Control Verb Synonyms: command, dominate, direct, steer, pilot, hold sway over, rule, exercise power or authority over, govern, manage, lead, conduct, be in control (of), call the tune, guide, oversee, supervise
Control Noun Synonyms: restraint, check, curb, mastery, command, dominance, domination

Other Words for Unit

Unit Noun Synonyms: element, component, entity, part, item, constituent, piece, portion, segment, section, module

Positive Control

Technology / Aviation / Positive Control: The separation of all air traffic within designated airspace by air traffic control. MORE

Position Control

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Position Control: A workforce planning tool that imposes certain rules or restrictions on the creation, and filling of positions as a means to manage and control the costs associated with any given position within the MORE

Positive Feedback Control

Science / Biology / Positive Feedback Control: Occurs when information produced by the feedback increases and accelerates the response. MORE

Practical Salinity Units (PSU)

Science / Marine Biology / Practical Salinity Units (PSU): A measure of the salt content of seawater (practical salinity), based upon electrical conductivity of a sample relative to a reference standard of sea water, which now happens to be a reference set of MORE

Present Value Of Growth Opportunities

Business / Finance / Present Value Of Growth Opportunities: Net present value (NPV) of investments the firm is expected to make in the future. MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Pre-Unit: An early motorcycle engine architecture where the engine and gearbox are built as independent casings, with their own oil reservoirs. (Compare unit construction). MORE