National Emergency Numbering Association (NENA)

Technology / Cell Phones / National Emergency Numbering Association (NENA): NENA's mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system.
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Other Words for Association

Association Noun Synonyms: society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group, syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative

Other Words for Emergency

Emergency Noun Synonyms: crisis, exigency, danger, predicament, difficulty, pinch

Other Words for National

National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic
National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal

National Foundation For Consumer Credit

Business / Finance / National Foundation For Consumer Credit: A nonprofit organization that seeks to help consumers who have taken on too much debt by helping them work out payment plans and supplying credit counseling. MORE

National Forest System (NFS)

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National Futures Association (NFA)

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National Geodeticvertical Datum

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National Grasslands

Business / Agriculture / National Grasslands: A type of unit designated by USDA and under Title II of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, permanently held by USDA as part of the National Forest System. MORE

National Grandparents Day

Lifestyle / Holiday / National Grandparents Day: The first Sunday after Labor Day has been declared National Grandparents Day in the United States. The proclamation for the holiday was signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. The September date was MORE