Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)

Technology / Cell Phones / Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA): A 1994 law granting law enforcement agencies the ability to wiretap new digital networks and requiring wireless and wireline carriers to enable surveillance equipment use in digital networks.
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Other Words for Act

Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself

Other Words for Assistance

Assistance Noun Synonyms: help, aid, support, succor, backing, reinforcement, relief, benefit

Other Words for Law

Law Noun Synonyms: principle, proposition, theory, theorem, formula, axiom, deduction, corollary, postulate, conclusion, inference
Law Verb Synonyms: rule, regulation, ordinance, statute, act, enactment, by-law, measure, edict, decree, order, directive, injunction, command, commandment, canon, mandate, ukase

Poultry Products Inspection Act Of 1957

Business / Agriculture / Poultry Products Inspection Act Of 1957: P.L. 85-172 (August 28, 1957), as amended by the Wholesome Poultry Products Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-492, August 18, 1968), requires USDA to inspect all 'domesticated birds' when slaughtered and processed MORE

Power Factor

Technology / Home Audio / Power Factor: The ratio of the total power in watts (resistive load) to the total apparent power in voltamperes (VA) (reactive load). The difference between watts and VA is due to reactive load impedance. Apparent MORE

Power Of Attorney

Business / Debt / Power Of Attorney: A document which authorises a person to act on behalf of another is a power of attorney. MORE

Power Stop - Drive

Entertainment / Basketball / Power Stop - Drive: Power drive is a continuous shooting move in which a player stops dribbling and makes a huge leap forward, while securing the ball in both hands from the dribbling hand, then making a layup. The move MORE


Lifestyle / Coffee / Potato: Has an unpleasant taste of raw potato. MORE

Post Office Protocol (POP)

Technology / Email / Post Office Protocol (POP): POP (Post Office Protocol) was the recommended method for accessing your mail before IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). POP is a basic store and forward mail handling system. When you connect to MORE