Technology / Aviation / Pilot In Command (PIC): The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time.
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Command Noun Synonyms: order, direct, bid, enjoin, charge, request, require, demand, instruct, say, prescribe, decree
Command Verb Synonyms: control, dominate, have or maintain or wield authority or control or sway or influence over, hold sway over, lead, rule, govern, have under one's thumb, call the tune, head (up)
Pilot Noun Synonyms: aviator, aviatrix, flier, airman, airwoman, aeronaut, captain
Business / Finance / Outsourcing: Purchasing a significant percentage of intermediate components from outside suppliers. MORE
Business / Finance / Outstanding: Used in the context of general equities. Stock held by shareholders (verses the company's treasury stock). MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Outside-In: A swing path that cuts across the target line from the far side of the target line, in relation to the player (outside), to the near side (inside) through the impact area MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Outside Shooting: Shots taken from the perimeter. MORE
Technology / Email / Outgoing Mail Server: The server that routes email messages to incoming servers on the Internet. Outgoing mail servers are also referred to as SMTP servers. The outgoing mail server at MIT is named and sec MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Outside Cabin: A cabin having window(s) or porthole(s) offering an exterior view. MORE