Science / Tides and Currents / Standard Method: A tidal datum computation method. Generally used for the West Coast and Pacific Island stations. Values needed are mean tide level (MTL), mean range of tide (MN), great diurnal range (GT), and mean diurnal high and low water inequalities (DHQ and DLQ) as determined by comparison with an appropriate control. From those, the following are computed: MLW = MTL - (0.5*MN), MHW = MLW + MN, MLLW = MLW ?€“ DLQ, MHHW = MHW + DHQ
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Method Adjective Synonyms: way, means, procedure, approach, route, avenue, road, mode, manner, technique, process, routine, modus operandi, plan, scheme, programme, course, routine, practice, pattern, system, methodology, M.O.
Standard Noun Synonyms: criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau id‚al, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle
Business / Finance / Standard Deduction: The method of calculating cost of sales that compares the amounts of materials, direct labor and overhead projected in the Cost of Sales assumption (the standard costs) to expenses allocated to the Pr MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Standard Definition Television (SDTV): SDTV refers to DIGITAL transmissions with 480-line resolution, either interlaced or progressive scanned formats. SDTV offers significant improvement over today's conventional NTSC picture resolution, MORE
Science / Chemistry / Standard Deviation: The standard deviation is a statistical measure of precision. The best estimate of the standard deviation s for small data sets is calculated using formula for standard deviation where xi is the measu MORE