Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS)

Science / Tides and Currents / Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS): A fully integrated system encompassing new technology sensors and recording equipment, multiple data transmission options, and an integrated data processing, analysis, and dissemination subsystem.
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Other Words for Generation

Generation Verb Synonyms: production, reproduction, propagation, procreation, begetting, fathering, siring
Generation Noun Synonyms: origination, creation, genesis, inception, initiation, start, beginning, institution, establishment, formation, formulation

Other Words for Level

Level Verb Synonyms: aim, point, draw a bead, direct, train, focus
Level Adjective Synonyms: even, smooth, plane, uniform, plain, flat, flush, straight, true
Level Noun Synonyms: horizontal, prone, supine

Other Words for Measurement

Measurement Adjective Synonyms: measuring, reckoning, gauging or gaging, ascertainment, determination, assessment, estimation, appraisal, evaluation, valuation, judgment, calculation, computation, mensuration, commensuration, metage

Other Words for System

System Adjective Synonyms: organized whole, organization, set, group, combination, structure, arrangement, pattern, set-up
System Noun Synonyms: scheme, method, approach, modus operandi, way, procedure, methodology, technique, plan, process, practice, routine

Other Words for Water

Water Noun Synonyms: H2O, distilled water, tap water, drinking-water, bottled water, spa water, still water, soda (water), effervescent water, mineral water, sea water, salt water, ditch-water, dishwater, bath-water, branch water, Adam's ale, Latin a

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