Spine Verb Synonyms: backbone, spinal column, vertebrae
Health / Pilates / Navel To Spine: The process of drawing your abdominal muscles up and in as you imagine your navel drawing toward your spine. This is an original cue that was used by Joseph Pilates. Performing navel to spine as you e MORE
Health / Pilates / Neutral Spine: A balanced spine that maintains its natural curves. Pilates encourages you to identify and achieve your neutral spine. A misaligned spine causes compensating muscles to work too hard, which can result MORE
Health / Pilates / Spine Corrector: See Barrels. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Spine Frame: A motorcycle frame with a single main structural member from which the engine is suspended. Also known as a backbone frame. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Nasal Spine: A median, sharp process formed by the forward elongation of the maxillae at the lower margin of the anterior aperture of the nose. Used to support a maxillary subperiosteal implant. MORE