Amplitude Contrast Ratio

Science / Spiders / Amplitude Contrast Ratio: For a weak phase, weak amplitude object, the ratio Qo between the contrast transferred by cos(gamma) and sin(gamma) is called amplitude contrast ratio. It is different for different atoms, and strictly speaking also different for different spatial frequencies. Overlooking this dependency, the ratio is often given as a constant. For a specimen composed of different atomic species, Qo can be empirically determined. It is in the range of 10% for cryo-EM specimens, and almost double for specimens negatively stained by heavy-metal salts.
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Other Words for Contrast

Contrast Adverb Synonyms: juxtapose, oppose, compare, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate, set or place against, set off
Contrast Verb Synonyms: conflict, differ or diverge or deviate

Other Words for Ratio

Ratio Adverb Synonyms: proportion, relationship, correlation, correspondence

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