Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Neodymium (Nd): Atomic number: 60, Atomic mass: 144.2 g mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.14, Density: 7.0 g cm-3, Melting point: 1024 ?°C, Boiling point: 3074 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.181 nm, Isotopes: 9, Electronic shell: [Xe] 4f16s2, Energy of first ionisation: 533 kJ.mol -1, Energy of second ionisation: 1040 kJ.mol -1, Energy of third ionisation: 2130 kJ.mol -1, Discovered by: Carl Auer von Welsbach in 1885. Neodimium is a lustrous silvery-yellow metal. It is very reactive and qickly turnishes in air and the coated formed does not protect the metal from further oxidation, so it must be stored away from contact with air. It reacts slowly with cold water and rapidly with hot. Applications: Neodymium is one of the rare chemicals, that can be found in houses in equipment such as colour televisions, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps and glasses. All rare chemicals have comparable properties. Nedymium is one of the several metals in alloys commonly used in lighter flints. The most important alloys is neodybium, iron and boron (NIB), found to make excellent permanent magnets. These magnets are part of modern vehicles components, used in computer data storing and in loudspeakers. Neodymium is used in coloring glasses (didymium glass) able to adsorb the yellow sodium glare of the flame. This kind of glass is used to protect the eyes of welders. It is also used to tint glass attractive shades of purple. Neodymium in the environment: Neodymium is the second most abundant of the rare-earth elements (after cerium) an is almost as abundant as copper. It is found in minerals that include all lanthanide minerals, such as monazite and bastnasite. The main areas are Brazil, China, USA, India, Sri Lanka and Australia. Reserves of neodybium are estimated to be 8 million tonnes, world production of neodybium oxide is about 7.000 tonnes a year.
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Technology / Home Audio / Neodymium Magnet: A magnet material providing 7.5 times the magnetic strength of standard magnetic materials. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Neodymium (Nd): Atomic number: 60, Atomic mass: 144.2 g mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.14, Density: 7.0 g cm-3, Melting point: 1024 ?°C, Boiling point: 3074 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.181 nm, Isotopes: 9, Electronic MORE