Science / Marine Biology / Terminal Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms: any device used to anchor the leading portion of the burrower, permitting muscular contraction to drag the rest of the body into the sediment
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Anchor Verb Synonyms: attach, affix, secure, moor, fix, fasten, pin, rivet, glue
Anchor Noun Synonyms: mooring
Terminal Verb Synonyms: keyboard, monitor, position, station, VDU (= 'visual display unit'), PC (= 'personal computer'), module, CRT (= 'cathode ray tube'), screen, (control) panel
Terminal Noun Synonyms: closing, concluding, terminating, ending, final, ultimate, extreme, maximum, greatest
Terminal Adjective Synonyms: connection, wire, connector, coupler, coupling, conductor
Science / Weather / Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR): Doppler radar installed at major airports throughout the United States to detect microbursts. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Terminal Elevator: A large elevator (warehouse) facility with the capacity to transfer grain to rail cars, barges, or ships for transport to domestic or foreign markets. Terminal elevator markets are used as base locati MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Terminal Cup: A plastic cabinet part that contains the terminal connectors that permits the wire from the amplifier to be connected to the speaker. Sometimes these parts contain the Crossover and protection circuit MORE
Science / Biology / Terminal Buds: Buds located at the end of a plant shoot. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Terminal: 1. The end of a polymer molecule. 2. A point at which electrical connections can easily be made or broken. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Terminal Anchor: In hydraulically burrowing organisms: any device used to anchor the leading portion of the burrower, permitting muscular contraction to drag the rest of the body into the sediment MORE