Red Tide

Science / Marine Biology / Red Tide: A dense outburst of phytoplankton (usually dinoflagellates) often coloring water red brown
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Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus)

Health / Herbs / Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus): A uterine tonic, relaxes the uterus, traditionally believed to lead to an easier childbirth, midwives have found that women who drink raspberry leaf tea regularly during pregnancy have decreased chanc MORE

Red root (Ceanothus americanus)

Health / Herbs / Red root (Ceanothus americanus): Treats tonsil inflammations and sore throats, increases transport of nutrients from the blood across the capillary cells to the lymph. MORE

Red Shirt

Entertainment / Football / Red Shirt: A designation given to a college player who did not play in any games during a particular year due to injury or coach's choice; such a player is permitted to practice with the team during that season MORE

Red Pine

Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Red Pine: Pinus resinosa - dark green needles 4''-6'' long; big and bushy. MORE

Red Line

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Red Line: A line, 12 inches wide, that extends across the ice midway between the goal lines. Also known as the center line. MORE

Red Herring

Business / Finance / Red Herring: A preliminary prospectus providing information required by the SEC. It excludes the offering price and the coupon of the new issue. MORE