Science / Chemistry / Physical Change: A change which does not transform one substance into another. For example, freezing water is a physical change because both water and ice are H2O. However, electrolysis of water would not be a physical change because passing a strong electric current through water can decompose it into H2 and O2.
Search Google for Physical Change:
Change Verb Synonyms: exchange, interchange, switch, trade, replace (with), substitute, swap or swop
Change Noun Synonyms: substitution, replacement, exchange, interchange, switch
Physical Noun Synonyms: bodily, corporeal, corporal, fleshly, incarnate, carnal, mortal, earthly, natural, somatic, material, tangible, palpable, real, actual, true, concrete, manifest, solid
Business / Finance / Nominal Exchange Rate: The actual foreign exchange quotation in contrast to the real exchange rate, which has been adjusted for changes in purchasing power. MORE
Business / Finance / New Zealand Stock Exchange: Automated, screen-based national trading system based in Wellington. MORE
Business / Finance / Options On Physicals: Interest rate options written on fixed income securities, as opposed to those written on interest rate futures contracts. MORE
Business / Finance / Organized Exchange: A securities marketplace where purchasers and sellers regularly gather to trade securities according to the formal rules adopted by the exchange. MORE
Business / Finance / Oslo Stock Exchange: An exchange founded in 1819 and trading stocks, bonds, and stock options that is considered the options market of Norway. MORE
Business / Taxes / New York Stock Exchange Composite Index: This New York Stock Exchange Composite Index measures the performance of the common stocks listed on the NYSE, including those of companies headquartered in the United States and in other countries. T MORE