Science / Biology / Spindle Apparatus: Microtubule construction that aligns and segregates chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division.
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Apparatus Noun Synonyms: equipment, requisites, tool, instrument, utensil, device, implement, machine, machinery, gear, paraphernalia, tackle, outfit, appliance, contraption, gadgetry, gadget
Science / Biology / Stomatal Apparatus: The stomata and guard cells that control the size of the stoma. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Television Apparatus: The combined work of all of the various factions (bankers, media corporations, directors, scriptwriters) that create television programs and the viewing experience itself--including the psychological MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Spindle Speed: The RPM at which a machine is set. MORE
Science / Biology / Spindle Apparatus: Microtubule construction that aligns and segregates chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division. MORE
Science / Biology / Mitotic Spindle: A network of microtubules formed during prophase. Some microtubules attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes and help draw the chromosomes apart during anaphase. MORE