Science / Biology / Species Richness: The number of species present in a community.
Search Google for Species Richness:
Science / Biology / Species Diversity: The number of living species on Earth. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Species Abundance: The total number of individual of a species within a given area or community. Compare species richness. MORE
Science / Biology / Species Richness: The number of species present in a community. MORE
Science / Biology / Species Packing: The phenomenon in which present-day communities generally contain more species than earlier communities because organisms have evolved more adaptations over time. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Species Of Constituent: A classification depending upon the period of a constituent. The principal species are semidiurnal, diurnal, and long-period. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Endangered Species Act: Passed by the United States Congress in 1973. The Act was originally intended to protect endangered species on federal lands. Since passage, the Act has been used to prohibit development or other land MORE