Reverse Transcription

Science / Biology / Reverse Transcription: Process of transcribing a single-stranded DNA from a single-stranded RNA (the reverse of transcription); used by retroviruses as well as in biotechnology.
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Other Words for Reverse

Reverse Noun Synonyms: opposite, contrary, inverse, converse, inverted, upside down, mirror, reversed, backward
Reverse Verb Synonyms: back up, move or go backwards or also backward, backtrack, make sternway
Reverse Adjective Synonyms: alter, change, modify, renounce, recant, take back

Reverse Pivot

Entertainment / Basketball / Reverse Pivot: Stepping backward while turning on the pivot foot. MORE

Reverse Price Risk

Business / Finance / Reverse Price Risk: A type of mortgage pipeline risk that occurs when a lender commits to sell loans to an investor at rates prevailing at the time of mortgage application but sets the note rates when the borrowers close MORE

Reverse Repo

Business / Finance / Reverse Repo: In essence, refers to a repurchase agreement. From the customer's perspective, the customer provides a collateralized loan to the seller. MORE

Reverse Pitch

Entertainment / Bowling / Reverse Pitch: Angling of the thumbhole backward so the tip of the thumb is extended away from the palm. It is used to help the thumb exit the hole sooner; although very common and generally desirable, too much can MORE

Reverse Overlap

Entertainment / Golf / Reverse Overlap: ('reverse overlap grip') probably the most common grip used for putting - a method of placing the hands on the club such that the index finger of the top hand rests on top of the fingers of the bottom MORE

Reverse Merger

Business / Taxes / Reverse Merger: In a reverse merger, a privately held company purchases a publicly held company and, as part of the new entity, becomes public without an initial public offering (IPO). It?€™s described as reverse MORE