Primary Compounds

Science / Biology / Primary Compounds: Chemicals made by plants and needed for the plants own metabolism.
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Other Words for Primary

Primary Adjective Synonyms: firsthand, direct, immediate
Primary Adverb Synonyms: first, prime, principal, chief, main, leading, pre-eminent, cardinal, fundamental, basic, essential, predominant, elementary, elemental, underlying

Primary Personal Residence

Business / Real Estate / Primary Personal Residence: The dwelling in which a taxpayer lives and occupies most of the time. MORE

Primary Offering

Business / Finance / Primary Offering: Direct/Sale of a firm's newly issued shares by the firm to investors. MORE

Primary Prevention

Lifestyle / Adoption / Primary Prevention: Activities geared to a sample of the general population to prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. Also referred to as 'universal prevention.' MORE

Primary Process

Science / Psychiatry / Primary Process: In psychoanalytic theory, the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious. This activity is marked by the free discharge of energy and excitation without regard to the dema MORE

Primary Production

Science / Marine Biology / Primary Production: The production of living matter by photosynthesizing organisms or by chemosynthesizing organisms. Usually expressed as grams of carbon per square meter per year MORE

Primary Mortgage Market

Business / Real Estate / Primary Mortgage Market: The mortgage market in which loans are originated and consisting of lenders such as commercial banks, savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks. MORE