Science / Spiders / Palpal Organs: The more or less complex structures fs)und in the terminal part of the adult male palp. They comprise groups of sclerites separated from each other and the cymbium by up to three haematodochac and con MORE
Health / Massage / Bindegewebsmassage: This technique is based on the theory that any disruption or imbalance in any portion of the body affects the entire system, specifically the autonomic, central nervous, and hormonal systems. Any disr MORE
Health / Massage / Five-Element Shiatsu: This technique is based on classical Chinese medicine?€™s law of the five elements. The five-element system views the human body as a microcosm of the universe with the tides of energy and emotion MORE
Health / Massage / Visceral Manipulation: Visceral manipulation enhances the normal mobility and tissue motion of the organs of the visceral system. Hypertonicity, displacement, and adhesions can all cause organs to work against each other, c MORE
Science / Biology / Connective Tissue: Animal tissue composed of cells embedded in a matrix (gel, elastic fibers, liquid, or inorganic minerals). Includes loose, dense, and fibrous connective tissues that provide strength (bone, cartilage) MORE
Health / Massage / Color Therapy: An ancient system using specific color rays to treat the body and mind, color therapy is based on the notion that organs and systems vibrate at certain frequencies. By applying a particular color ray MORE