Marine Biome

Science / Biology / Marine Biome: The aquatic biome consisting of waters containing 3.5% salt on average; includes the oceans and covers more than 70% of the Earths surface; divided into benthic and pelagic zones.
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Other Words for Marine

Marine Adjective Synonyms: maritime, nautical, naval, seafaring, seagoing, ocean-going, sea

Freshwater Biome

Science / Biology / Freshwater Biome: The aquatic biome consisting of water containing fewer salts than the waters in the marine biome; divided into two zones: running waters (rivers, streams) and standing waters (lakes, ponds). MORE

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Business / Agriculture / National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS): An agency within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the Department of Commerce. NMFS administers programs that support the domestic and international conservation and manage MORE

Merchant Marine Act Of 1920

Business / Agriculture / Merchant Marine Act Of 1920: P.L. 66-261, also known as the Jones Act, provides for the promotion and maintenance of a U.S. merchant marine. Provisions dealing with cabotage (i.e., coastal shipping) require that all goods transpo MORE


Science / Biology / Biome: A large-scale grouping that includes many communities of a similar nature. MORE

Submarine Canyon

Science / Geology / Submarine Canyon: An underwater canyon, carved into the continental shelf. These can be carved by turbidity currents or carved subaerially during a time when sea level was lower. MORE

Taiga Biome

Science / Biology / Taiga Biome: The region of coniferous forest extending across much of northern Europe, Asia, and North America; characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers and by acidic, thin soils. MORE