Diversity Noun Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness, disparity, deviation, divergence, departure, distinctiveness, diverseness, variation, variety, individuality, inconsistency, contrariety, discrepancy, contrast
Science / Marine Biology / Ecosystem Diversity: The diversity of biological communities and their physical environment. Diversity is determined by the species composition, physical structure and processes within an ecosystem. This is the highest le MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Diversity Training: A fundamental component of a diversity initiative that represents the opportunity for an organization to inform and educate senior management and staff about diversity. The purpose of training is not MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Genetic Diversity: The genetic variation that occurs within a population or species. For example, there are several different colour dog whelk shells and ochre sea stars. See also biodiversity; compare ecosystem diversi MORE
Science / Biology / Species Diversity: The number of living species on Earth. MORE
Technology / Radar / Frequency Diversity: Frequency diversity refers to the use of complementary radar transmissions or multiple radar systems operating cooperatively at different frequencies. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Diversity Management: A comprehensive organizational and managerial process for leveraging diversity and achieving inclusion that maximizes the potential of all employees. MORE