Digestive System

Science / Biology / Digestive System: One of eleven major body organ systems in animals; converts food from the external environment into nutrient molecules that can be used and stored by the body and eliminates solid wastes; involves five functions: movement, secretion, digestion, absorption, and elimination.
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Other Words for System

System Noun Synonyms: scheme, method, approach, modus operandi, way, procedure, methodology, technique, plan, process, practice, routine
System Adjective Synonyms: organized whole, organization, set, group, combination, structure, arrangement, pattern, set-up

Tube-Within-A-Tube System

Science / Biology / Tube-Within-A-Tube System: A type of body plan in animals. The organism has two openings&emdash;one for food and one for the elimination of waste&emdash;and a specialized digestive system. MORE

Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS)

Science / Tides and Currents / Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS): A fully integrated system encompassing new technology sensors and recording equipment, multiple data transmission options, and an integrated data processing, analysis, and dissemination subsystem. MORE

Nonsystematic Risk

Business / Finance / Nonsystematic Risk: Nonmarket or firm-specific risk factors that can be eliminated by diversification. Also called unique risk or diversifiable risk. Systematic risk refers to risk factors common to the entire economy. MORE

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

Business / Agriculture / North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): Standard industrial classification codes have been replaced in the 1997 Census of Agriculture by the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS is a unique, all-new system for cl MORE

Open Circulatory System

Science / Biology / Open Circulatory System: A system in which the circulating fluid is not enclosed in vessels at all times; found in insects, crayfish, some mollusks, and other invertebrates. MORE

NT File System (NTFS)

Technology / Computers / NT File System (NTFS): One of the file system for the Windows NT operating system (Windows NT also supports the FAT file system). NTFS has features to improve reliability, such as transaction logs to help recover from disk MORE