Science / Biology / B Memory Cells: Long-lived B cells that are produced after an initial exposure to an antigen and play an important role in secondary immunity. They remain in the body and facilitate a more rapid responce if the antigen is encountered again.
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Memory Noun Synonyms: remembrance, honor, homage, respect, tribute, celebration
Memory Verb Synonyms: recall, recollection, retention
Business / Agriculture / Market Basket: Average quantities of consumables, including U.S. farm foods, purchased per household for a given base period, used to compute an index of retail prices. MORE
Business / Finance / Market Segmentation Theory Or Preferred Habitat Theory: A biased expectations theory that asserts that the shape of the yield curve is determined by the supply of and demand for securities within each maturity sector. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Marine Boundary: The mean lower low water line (MLLWL) when used as a boundary. Also, lines used as boundaries seaward of and measured from (or points thereon) the MLLWL. See coastal boundary. MORE
Science / Biology / Marine Biome: The aquatic biome consisting of waters containing 3.5% salt on average; includes the oceans and covers more than 70% of the Earths surface; divided into benthic and pelagic zones. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Marimba: Percussion instrument that is a mellower version of the xylophone: of African origin MORE
Business / Finance / Market-Book Ratio: Market price of a share divided by book value per share. MORE