Lifestyle / Time Shares / Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe): A trade association in Europe composed of resort owners and developers. The OTE is similar to ARDA, but with more of an emphasis on consumer affairs.
Search Google for Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe):
For Noun Synonyms: representing, championing, in favour of, on or and also in behalf of, on the side of, in support of, in the service of, as a service to, for the benefit of, pro
For Preposition Synonyms: instead of, in place of, representing, as a replacement for, on or and in behalf of, in return or exchange for, in compensation or recompense or payment or repayment for, in requital for
Business / Finance / Overbought-Oversold Indicator: An indicator that attempts to define when prices have moved too far and too fast in either direction and thus are vulnerable to reaction. MORE
Technology / Computers / Overclocking: The act of running a device like a processor or graphics card, faster than the speed that has been determined by the manufacturer and hardware settings. Faster speeds are achieved by using a higher cl MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Overbooking: The practice of selling more airline seats than are available on a specific flight, to make up for no-shows. Usually backfires on the carrier and at times can create much consumer ill-will. Requires p MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP): The ability of carriers to add new types of services to a customer's handset by using the wireless network instead of requiring the customer to bring the phone to a carrier's location for reprogrammin MORE
Business / Accounting / Outstanding Stock: Issued stock that is still being held by investors. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Outwelling: The outflow of nutrients from an estuary or salt-marsh system to shelf waters MORE