Instant Exchange

Lifestyle / Time Shares / Instant Exchange: A vacation exchange conveniently made by telephone for travel dates within the next 2 to 45 days.
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Other Words for Exchange

Exchange Verb Synonyms: market, stock market, Stock Exchange, securities exchange, the Market, the Board, the Big Board, the Exchange, the Bourse, Wall Street, the Street
Exchange Adjective Synonyms: trade, barter, switch, change, interchange, reciprocate, return, swap or swop

Other Words for Instant

Instant Noun Synonyms: moment, point, second, time
Instant Adjective Synonyms: ready-made, ready-mixed, prepared, ready-to-serve, precooked

National Cheese Exchange (NCE)

Business / Agriculture / National Cheese Exchange (NCE): A now defunct private non-profit corporation that operated in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Every Friday morning for one-half hour, members of the NCE met to buy or sell cheddar cheese in 40-pound blocks and MORE

National Stock Exchange (NSE)

Business / Finance / National Stock Exchange (NSE): Second-largest stock exchange based in India. MORE

New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE)

Business / Finance / New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE): Commodities exchange in New York trading futures and options on cotton, frozen concentrated orange juice, and potatoes, as well as interest rate, currency, and index futures and options. MORE

Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX)

Business / Finance / Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX): Established in 1992, the most liquid and best organized financial exchange in Russia. MORE

Montreal Exchange-Bourse De Montreal

Business / Finance / Montreal Exchange-Bourse De Montreal: The oldest stock exchange in Canada trading stocks, bonds, futures, and options. The Canadian Market Portfolio Index (XXM) tracks the market performance of the 25 highest-capitalization stocks traded MORE

Membership Or A Seat On The Exchange

Business / Finance / Membership Or A Seat On The Exchange: A limited number of exchange positions that enable the holder to trade for the holder's own accounts and charge clients for the execution of trades for their accounts. Related: Member firm. MORE