Lifestyle / Time Shares / Homeowners Association (Hoa): Timeshare developments are often structured like any condominium association, with a Homeowner's Association (HOA) comprised of all owners, and a management company hired by the HOA to manage the property.
Search Google for Homeowners Association (Hoa):
Association Noun Synonyms: society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group, syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative
Business / Finance / Mutual Association: A savings and loan association organized as a cooperative. Members purchase shares, vote on association affairs, and receive income in the form of dividends. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Loosening Of Associations: A disturbance of thinking shown by speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another that is unrelated or minimally related to the first. Statements that lack a meaningful relationship may be ju MORE
Business / Finance / Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Jasdaq): Japanese equivalent of Nasdaq. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / National Association Of Broadcasters (NAB): A non-profit organization supported by TV and radio broadcasters whose purpose is to demonstrate to legislative bodies and other interested parties that broadcasters can maintain adequate standards wi MORE
Business / Real Estate / National Association Of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA): A professional association of appraisers with more than 2,000 members nationally. NAIFA offers the specialty designations IFA (member), IFAS (senior member) and IFAC (appraiser-counselor). MORE
Technology / Rockets / National Association of Rocketry (NAR): NAR is the National Association of Rocketry which is the organization which regulates the industry by setting standards for safety in the field as well as rules for competitions. They test and safety MORE