Lifestyle / Poetry / Symbolist Movement: Late 19th-century french writers, including mallarm?© and val?©ry, whose verse dealt with transcendental phenomena or with images and actions whose meaning was associative rather than referential.
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Movement Noun Synonyms: repositioning, move, motion, relocation, moving, migration, shift, transfer, flow, displacement
Science / Biology / Prehensile Movement: The ability to seize or grasp. MORE
Science / Biology / Nastic Movement: A plants response to a stimulus in which the direction of the response is independent of the direction of the stimulus. Non-directional plant movements. MORE
Health / Massage / Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts: Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts (MDMA), water version, is the art of using movement in the medium of water to create dynamic balance. Specific actions, patterns, and waveforms promote reorganization, MORE
Science / Biology / Sleep Movement: In legumes, the movement of the leaves in response to daily rhythms of dark and light. The leaves are horizontal in daylight and folded vertically at night. MORE
Health / Fitness / Speed Of Movement: Strength training movements should be slow and controlled. Do not use momentum to complete an exercise movement. Momentum puts unnecessary stress on tendons, ligaments and joints. Using momentum in yo MORE
Lifestyle / Poetry / Symbolist Movement: Late 19th-century french writers, including mallarm?© and val?©ry, whose verse dealt with transcendental phenomena or with images and actions whose meaning was associative rather than referential. MORE