Lifestyle / Painting / Zinc Oxide: Substance used as a white pigment for high-hiding power hardness and gloss. Reduces yellowing, increases drying; provides resistance to sulfur fumes and mildew. Used with linseed oil for self-cleaning exterior paints.
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Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Zinc (Zn): Atomic number: 30, Atomic mass: 65.37 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.6, Density: 7.11 at 20?°C, Melting point: 420 ?°C, Boiling point: 907 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.138 nm, Ionic radius: 0. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Zinc: Element 30, atomic weight 65.37, a reactive gray metal that dissolves in acids, used to galvanize metals and in many alloys (e. G. Brass and bronze). MORE
Science / Chemistry / Superoxide.: A binary compound containing oxygen in the -?? oxidation state. For example, KO2 is potassium superoxide, an ionic compound containing the superoxide ion, O2-. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Potassium Hydroxide: Caustic potash. Highly active alkali, used as the basis for high contrast developing solutions. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Oxide: A binary compound that contains oxygen in the -2 oxidation state. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Hydroxide: Highly active alkaline accelerator used in conjunction with hydroquinone to produce high contrast developers. MORE