Lifestyle / Painting / Zinc Chromate: Rust-inhibiting pigment, greenish-yellow in color that is used with a high-hiding pigment.
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Lifestyle / Painting / Zinc Chromate: Rust-inhibiting pigment, greenish-yellow in color that is used with a high-hiding pigment. MORE
Science / Geology / Zinc Blende: A term used in reference to the mineral sphalerite. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Zinc Oxide: Substance used as a white pigment for high-hiding power hardness and gloss. Reduces yellowing, increases drying; provides resistance to sulfur fumes and mildew. Used with linseed oil for self-cleaning MORE
Science / Genetics / Zinc-Finger Protein: A secondary feature of some proteins containing a zinc atom: a DNA-binding protein. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Zincography: Process of etching unprotected parts of a zinc plate with strong acids to produce a printing surface. MORE