National Grandparents Day

Lifestyle / Holiday / National Grandparents Day: The first Sunday after Labor Day has been declared National Grandparents Day in the United States. The proclamation for the holiday was signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. The September date was chosen to signify the 'autumn years' of life. The holiday has three purposes: To honor grandparents everywhere. To give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children. To help children become aware of the strength, information and guidance older people can offer.
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Other Words for Day

Day Noun Synonyms: time, hour, age, period, era, epoch, date, prime, heyday, lifetime
Day Verb Synonyms: daytime, daylight, broad daylight, light of day

Other Words for National

National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal
National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic

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