Lifestyle / Holiday / Memorial Day: Memorial Day began in the United States on May 30, 1868, after the Civil War had ended. Flowers were put on the graves of both sides, in order to help heal the nation. It was later expanded to include all men who had died in America's wars. It is now celebrated on the last Monday of May.
Search Google for Memorial Day:
Day Noun Synonyms: time, hour, age, period, era, epoch, date, prime, heyday, lifetime
Day Verb Synonyms: daytime, daylight, broad daylight, light of day
Memorial Adjective Synonyms: commemorative
Memorial Noun Synonyms: monument, marker, plaque, cenotaph, statue, memento, remembrance, reminder, souvenir
Business / Finance / Next Day Settlement: Transaction in which the contract is settled the day after the trade is executed. See: Settlement date. MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / Nirvana Day: Mahayana Buddhists are one type of Buddhists. Many of them are Japanese. They celebrate February 13 as the anniversary of Buddha's death. For Buddhists, this is not a sad day, but a time to remember t MORE
Business / Finance / Notice Day: A day on which notices of intent to deliver pertaining to a specified delivery month may be issued. Related: Delivery notice. MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / New Years Day: The tradition of ringing in the new year began from the Roman God Janus, who had two faces - one for looking forward the other for looking backward. Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor, decided that the MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / National Grandparents Day: The first Sunday after Labor Day has been declared National Grandparents Day in the United States. The proclamation for the holiday was signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. The September date was MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / Midsummers Day-Eve: Midsummer's Eve - the night before Midsummer's Day is a time for fairies and magic according to old European traditions. It is also a time for telling the future and for discovering your true love. Mi MORE