Lifestyle / College / University Transfer: The Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science degrees at Greenville Tech enable students to complete the equivalent of their freshman and sophomore years of college in an affordable, flexible, close-to-home situation conducive to college success. Students planning to transfer to a four-year degree are encouraged to meet with advisors to plan their schedules. Individual factors to be considered are scholastic aptitude, career goals and the student's specific transfer plans.
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Transfer Verb Synonyms: move, transport, convey, remove, carry, take, deliver, bring, transmit, cart, haul, shift, hand (on or over), turn over, give, pass (on or along or over)
Lifestyle / College / Transfer of Credits: Some students attend more than one institution during their college career. When they move or transfer from one college to another, they also transfer accumulated credit hours from the former institut MORE
Lifestyle / College / Transfer Degree (AA-AS): Transfer degrees are designed for students who want to complete their first two years of college work and then transfer on to a four-year institution. Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree MORE
Business / Agriculture / Transfer Of Development Rights (TDR): Property rights that may not be used on the land from which they were derived: usually they are sold from areas where uses are restricted, such as active agricultural areas, to receiving or growth are MORE