Placement Testing

Lifestyle / College / Placement Testing: Placement tests ensure that you get started in the right classes for your academic background and your program. Taking a class for which you are not prepared could prevent you from successfully moving forward in your college career. If your test scores indicate that you need additional preparation before you enter classes that count toward your program, you may need to take one or more developmental courses.
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Other Words for Placement

Placement Verb Synonyms: arrangement, placing, position, distribution, array, disposition, deployment, positioning, stationing, organization, order, ordering, location, locating, arraying, emplacement, emplacing

Post-Placement Visits

Lifestyle / Adoption / Post-Placement Visits: Investigation and interviews with an adoptive family once a child has been placed with them. MORE

Post-Accident Testing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Post-Accident Testing: The process of testing an employee involved in a workplace accident for the presence of drugs or alcohol. MORE

Placement Testing

Lifestyle / College / Placement Testing: Placement tests ensure that you get started in the right classes for your academic background and your program. Taking a class for which you are not prepared could prevent you from successfully moving MORE