Do Not Purge

Lifestyle / College / Do Not Purge: The 'Do Not Purge' is a payment plan with a single payoff date. It is called the 'Do Not Purge' plan because it protects your schedule from the purge. You can break the balance due up into any kind of payments you want, as long as you get it paid-in-full before the due date. The plan strongly encourages you to apply for aid. It is a good idea to start immediately making partial payments, so that you do not have to come up with a lump-sum by the payoff date. You will be charged late fees and interest if you go past due.
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Other Words for Purge

Purge Adjective Synonyms: cleanse, purify, clean (out), clear, scour (out), depurate, deterge, wash (out)
Purge Noun Synonyms: eject, eradicate, expel, eliminate, get rid of, dismiss, clear out or away, sweep away or out, oust, remove, rout out, weed out, root out, do away with, exterminate, liquidate, kill, destroy
Purge Verb Synonyms: ejection, eradication, expulsion, elimination, dismissal, clearing out or away, ousting, ouster, removal, routing out, weeding out, rooting out, unseating, defenestration, extermination, liquidation, killing, murder, slaughter

Mow Em Down

Entertainment / Baseball / Mow Em Down: Refers to a pitcher who strikes out a series of hitters in a row. MORE


Science / Biology / Monotremes: Egg-laying mammals; e.g., the spiny anteater and the duck-billed platypus. MORE

Multiple Vortex Tornado

Science / Weather / Multiple Vortex Tornado: A tornado which has two or more condensation funnels or debris clouds, often rotating around a common center. MORE