Sustainable Coffee

Lifestyle / Coffee / Sustainable Coffee: At this writing, a contested and vaguely defined category of environmentally friendly coffees. A caucus in the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) is attempting to evolve reliable guidelines for what constitutes a genuine sustainably grown coffee. Supporters of organic coffees object to the concept as dangerously fuzzy.
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Specialty Coffee

Lifestyle / Coffee / Specialty Coffee: Practice of selling coffees by country of origin, roast, flavoring, or special blend, rather than by brand or trademark. The term specialty coffee also suggests the trade and culture that has grown up MORE

Specialty Coffee Association Of America (Scaa)

Lifestyle / Coffee / Specialty Coffee Association Of America (Scaa): An important and influential association of specialty coffee roasters, wholesalers, retailers, importers and growers headquartered in Long Beach, California. MORE

Straight Coffee

Lifestyle / Coffee / Straight Coffee: Unblended coffee from a single country, region, and crop. MORE