
Lifestyle / Coffee / Silverskin: The thin, innermost skin of the coffee fruit. It clings to the dried coffee beans until it is either removed by polishing or floats free during roasting and becomes what roasters call chaff.
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Lifestyle / Coffee / Chaff: Chaff is paper-like stuff that appears though the roasting process. These little brown flakes are fragments of the innermost skin (the silverskin) of the coffee fruit that still cling to the beans aft MORE


Lifestyle / Coffee / Polishing: An optional procedure at the end of coffee processing and milling in which the dried, shipment-ready beans are subjected to polishing by friction to remove the innermost, or silverskin, and improve th MORE

Semi-Dry-Processed Coffee

Lifestyle / Coffee / Semi-Dry-Processed Coffee: Coffee prepared by removing the outer skin of the coffee fruit (a process called pulping) and drying the skinned coffee with the sticky mucilage and the inner skins (parchment and silverskin) still ad MORE