Lifestyle / Coffee / Semi-Dry-Processed Coffee: Coffee prepared by removing the outer skin of the coffee fruit (a process called pulping) and drying the skinned coffee with the sticky mucilage and the inner skins (parchment and silverskin) still adhering to the bean. This processing method, situated between the dry method and the wet method, has no consensus name. It is one of three processing methods practiced in Brazil, and is used sporadically on a small scale by farmers in Sumatra and Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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Lifestyle / Coffee / Single-Origin Coffee: Unblended coffee from a single country, region, and crop. MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Specialty Coffee: Practice of selling coffees by country of origin, roast, flavoring, or special blend, rather than by brand or trademark. The term specialty coffee also suggests the trade and culture that has grown up MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Specialty Coffee Association Of America (Scaa): An important and influential association of specialty coffee roasters, wholesalers, retailers, importers and growers headquartered in Long Beach, California. MORE