
Lifestyle / Coffee / Chaff: Chaff is paper-like stuff that appears though the roasting process. These little brown flakes are fragments of the innermost skin (the silverskin) of the coffee fruit that still cling to the beans after processing has been completed. Roasting causes these bits of skin to lift off the bean.
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Other Words for Chaff

Chaff Verb Synonyms: banter, tease, twit, rail at, kid, rag, josh
Chaff Noun Synonyms: banter, raillery, ridicule, badinage, joking, teasing, twitting, kidding, ragging, joshing


Lifestyle / Coffee / Silverskin: The thin, innermost skin of the coffee fruit. It clings to the dried coffee beans until it is either removed by polishing or floats free during roasting and becomes what roasters call chaff. MORE


Business / Agriculture / Dockage: A factor in the grading of grains and oilseeds: i.e., dockage in wheat is described as 'weed seeds, weed stems, chaff, straw, or grain other than wheat, which can be readily removed from the wheat by MORE