Present Noun Synonyms: current, contemporary, present-day, existing, existent, up to date, now
Present Verb Synonyms: give (out), award, confer (on), bestow (on), turn or hand over, grant, provide, furnish, dispense, distribute, dole out, pass out, deal out, mete out
Business / Taxes / Electronic Bill Presentment: If you pay bills online, you may be able to take advantage of electronic bill presentment, a paper-free method of reporting your outstanding charges and the amount due. The lender may either email you MORE
Business / Finance / AIMR Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee: The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee is charged with the responsibility to interpret, revise, and update the AIMR P MORE
Business / Finance / Adjusted Present Value (APV): The net present value analysis of an asset if financed solely by equity (present value of unlevered cash flows), plus the present value of any financing decisions (levered cash flows). In other words, MORE
Business / Agriculture / United States Trade Representative (USTR): The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, originally Office of the Special Trade Representative (STR), is responsible for developing and coordinating international trade, commodity, and direct inve MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Fair Representation: This term means that a trade union, so long as it continues to be entitled to represent employees in a bargaining unit, may not act in a manner that is arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith in the MORE
Business / Finance / Net Present Value Of Growth Opportunities: A model valuing a firm in which net present value of new investment opportunities is explicitly examined. MORE