Primary Prevention

Lifestyle / Adoption / Primary Prevention: Activities geared to a sample of the general population to prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. Also referred to as 'universal prevention.'
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Other Words for Prevention

Prevention Adjective Synonyms: preventing, anticipation, preclusion, obviation, forestalling, avoidance, avoiding, prohibition, prohibiting, ban, banning, bar, barring, forbiddance, forbidding, interdiction, interdicting,,ing, enjoining, injunction, proscription, proscribin

Other Words for Primary

Primary Adverb Synonyms: first, prime, principal, chief, main, leading, pre-eminent, cardinal, fundamental, basic, essential, predominant, elementary, elemental, underlying
Primary Adjective Synonyms: firsthand, direct, immediate

Universal Prevention

Lifestyle / Adoption / Universal Prevention: Activities and services directed at the general public with the goal of stopping the occurrence of maltreatment before it starts. Also referred to as 'primary prevention.' MORE

Primary Offering

Business / Finance / Primary Offering: Direct/Sale of a firm's newly issued shares by the firm to investors. MORE

Primary Mortgage Market

Business / Real Estate / Primary Mortgage Market: The mortgage market in which loans are originated and consisting of lenders such as commercial banks, savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks. MORE

Primary Personal Residence

Business / Real Estate / Primary Personal Residence: The dwelling in which a taxpayer lives and occupies most of the time. MORE

Primary Prevention

Lifestyle / Adoption / Primary Prevention: Activities geared to a sample of the general population to prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. Also referred to as 'universal prevention.' MORE

Primary Process

Science / Psychiatry / Primary Process: In psychoanalytic theory, the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious. This activity is marked by the free discharge of energy and excitation without regard to the dema MORE