Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Lifestyle / Adoption / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A lifelong developmental disability (with onset in infancy, childhood or adolescence) that involves problems with attention span, impulse control, and activity level at home, at school or at work. Typical behaviors include: fidgeting with hands or squirming in seat: difficulty remaining seated when required: distractibility: difficulty waiting for turns in groups: difficulty staying on task with chores or play activities: difficulty playing quietly: excessive talking: inattention: restlessness: and engaging in physically dangerous activities without considering consequences.
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Other Words for Attention

Attention Noun Synonyms: heed, regard, notice, concentration

Other Words for Deficit

Deficit Adjective Synonyms: loss, deficiency, shortfall, shortage, default

Other Words for Disorder

Disorder Noun Synonyms: tumult, riot, disturbance, pandemonium, upheaval, ferment, fuss, unrest, uproar, hubbub, hullabaloo, commotion, clamour, turbulence, turmoil, turbulence, violence, bedlam, free-for-all, rumpus, brouhaha, fracas, affray, fray, brawl, Donnybrook, scuffle
Disorder Verb Synonyms: disarray, confusion, chaos, disorderliness, disorganization, untidiness, mess, muddle, jumble, hash, mishmash, tangle, hotchpotch or and also hodgepodge, derangement, shambles, clutter

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