Lifestyle / Adoption / Adoption Exchange: An organization which recruits adoptive families for children with special needs using print, radio, television and Internet recruitment, as well as matching parties (which bring together prospective adoptive parents, waiting children and their social workers in a child-focused setting). Adoption exchanges can be local, state, regional, national or international in scope.
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Exchange Verb Synonyms: market, stock market, Stock Exchange, securities exchange, the Market, the Board, the Big Board, the Exchange, the Bourse, Wall Street, the Street
Exchange Adjective Synonyms: trade, barter, switch, change, interchange, reciprocate, return, swap or swop
Business / Finance / Malaysia Commodity Exchange: A subsidiary of the KLSE that trades interest rate futures on the three-month Kuala Lumpur Interbank offered rate. MORE
Business / Finance / Major Exchange: Indicates listing on established national or regional stock exchange. MORE
Business / Finance / Membership Or A Seat On The Exchange: A limited number of exchange positions that enable the holder to trade for the holder's own accounts and charge clients for the execution of trades for their accounts. Related: Member firm. MORE