Life Style / Wine / Old World Wine: Wines produced inside of the traditional wine growing areas of Europe and North Africa.
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Old Noun Synonyms: elderly, ageing, aged, advanced in years or age, long-lived, past one's prime, grey, full of years, getting on (in years), hoary, superannuated, over the hill, past it
Old Adverb Synonyms: ancient, antiquated, antediluvian, fossil, prehistoric, Noachian, obsolete, antique, outdated, out of date, old-time, dated, archaic, stale, out-moded, passe, Ogygian
Old Adjective Synonyms: time-worn, decayed, dilapidated, ramshackle, disintegrated, crumbling, shabby, worn out, dusty, broken-down, tumbledown, disused, unused, cast off, cast aside
World Noun Synonyms: earth, planet, sphere, globe, Terra, universe, cosmos, existence, creation, life
Lifestyle / Coffee / Oldish: A complete lack of freshness. Somewhat flat taste with a slight flavor of hay. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) Of 1990: OWBPA amended the ADEA prohibiting all employers from age discrimination in employee benefits programs by either providing equal benefits for older and younger workers or by spending an equal amount o MORE
Business / Finance / Old-Line Factoring: Factoring arrangement that provides collection, insurance, and finance for accounts receivable. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Open world: This is a game world that allows players to roam freely, and break out of the typically linear structure that most games provide. MORE
Business / Finance / Option Holder: A person who has an option that has not been exercised. MORE