Life Style / Wine / New Zealand: See my New Zealand wine guide.
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New Adverb Synonyms: novel, original, unique, unusual, different, fresh, creative, imaginative, brand-new
New Adjective Synonyms: fresh, further, additional, supplemental, supplementary
Business / Agriculture / New Zealand Dairy Board (NZDB): The New Zealand Dairy Board is a quasi- government corporation that was explicitly created by New Zealand statute to purchase all New Zealand dairy products that are manufactured for export. (New Zeal MORE
Life Style / Wine / New World: Broadly the world of wine is divided into Old World and New. The New World includes North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. The New World countries have seen explosions in quality and quan MORE
Technology / Computers / Newsgroup: An online discussion community found on the USENET system. These groups cover thousands of different topics of information and are offered free of charge. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA): A federal law which mandates that coverage for hospital stays for childbirth cannot generally be less than 48 hours for normal deliveries or 96 hours for cesarean births. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Newbie or Noob: Term used to describe an inexperienced player, or to be derogatory about another player?€™s skills. There are many spellings used, often using leetspeak: 'newbie,' 'newb,' 'noob,' 'n00b,' or even MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA) Of 1996: Requires a minimum length of hospital confinement in conjunction with childbirth. This requirement applies to health plans and health insurance companies that provide hospital stays for childbirth in MORE