Acupressure: Acupuncture without needles
Acupuncture: Using needles (French, acu = needle) to stimulate or alter the flow of energy in the meridians
acupuncture meridians: Channels of energy circulating through the body, many of which are connecting to the functioning of
An (On): Literally 'press down with the hand,' this is one of the Eight Gates Taiji energies. In Taijiquan, t
Ba Bei (Ba Bui): Literally: 'pulling out of back.' This refers to the convex surface across the upper back that follo
Ba gua: The bagua octagon--see explanation on first page of this website. Also, an internal martial art focu
Ba Hui: A line from behind each ear to the midline on the top of the head will find this point.
Bai Men (Baat Mun): The Eight Gates, referring to eight forms of energy or 'jin/ging' that can be applied in Taijiquan.
Bubbling well: Also known as bubbling spiring, Kidney 1 (K1 on charts).In the middle of the foot, on the ball, righ
Buddhism: Philosophy of China with focus on the mind and realtiy
Cai (Choi): Literally: 'pick, pluck, gather.' This is one of the Eight Gates energies. It should not be understo
central equiliabrium: Look left, look right, shift forward, shift back and central equilibrium are the 'five elements' of
Chan: Sticking, adherence.
Chang San-Feng: Master of the Shao-lin Monastery, created the principles of Tai Chi Chuan
Chen Jian Zhui Zhou (Cham Gin Jui Zhau): Literally: 'Sinking the shoulders and dropping the elbows' Lowering the shoulders while keeping the
Chi: Qi ?€“ Energy. Often referring to energy inside the body. Also means breath.
Chi Kung: Qigong ?€“ Energy work. A system or method of working with the bodies energy. There are many dif
chin: An explosive force, release of internal energy.
Chin Na: Seize and hold. Refers to Chinese grappling techniques.
ching: Aseminal essence developed in the kidneys: not to be confused with chin.
Confucianism: Philosophy of China based on teaching of Confucius, with focus on relationship of man and society, f
Confucius: Chinese philosopher: literally 'Mr. Kung Fu.' See kung fu
cosmic stance: Standing meditation posture with arms at chest height like 'hugging a tree.'
Dan Tian: Energy Center. There are three Dan Tian?€™s in the human body.
Dim Mak: Death Touch. This refers to a knowledge of the bodies vulnerable areas and how to strike them.
Ding Tou Xuan (Ding Tau Yun): Literally: 'suspending the top of the head.' One of the foundations of proper taijiquan posture ?€
Duifang (Deuifong): Literally: 'the other party: the facing direction.' This term can be used to refer to the 'opponent'
Empty Force (Kong Jing): This is the ability to use energy to effect someone without touching them. This jing is very rare, i
Fa Jing (Explosive Energy): This jing is the ability to move or discharge power explosively.
fa-ching: See chin. There are differences in spelling and pronunciation creating some confusion about chin and
five elements: Five transformations of energy: fire, earth, metal, water, wood.
Han Xiong (Haam Hung): Literally: 'containment of the chest.' The natural concavity of the chest that accompanies proper ta
ho kou: Also 'hu k'ou'--tiger's mouth--the space between the thumb and first finger on each hand containing
horse stance: Tai chi and standing meditation stance. The legs are shoulder width, the feet parallel, knees in inv
Hsing Yi: An internal martial art form.
I-Ching: The Book of Changes, ancient philosophical writings describing the trigrams and hexagrams in relatio
internal martial art: As opposed to an external martial art, a form that is based on development of internal energy rather
jen mai: Also 'conception vessel,' the meridian running up the midline on the front of the body.
Ji (Jai): Literally: 'squeeze, push against,' this is one of the Eight Gates Taiji energies. In the Wu style f
Jin Jing (Ging): Literally: 'strength, power.' This is a martial arts term that refers to the power that comes from Q
Jing: An expression of energy. Chi is energy, Jing is what you do with that energy.
Kan: Trigram = water, what seeks the lowest level
Kao (Kaau): Literally: 'leaning.' This is the shifting of the body into the partner to unbalance them. There doe
Kung fu: Literally, hard work over a long period of time: martial arts.
Kung Fu (Gong Fu): Work Skill. A high level of skill developed through long hard practice.
kwa: The area between the leg and the groin, containing 56 lymph nodes. The kwa folds and unfolds constan
Lao Kung: Pericardium 8, on the palm of the hand: an important energy gate.
li: External strength
Li: Trigram = fire, light, what clings
Lieh (Li): One of the Eight Gates energies, literally: 'split,' this refers to a method of disarming duifang by
Lineage: The Tai Chi lineage is the series of unbroken generations of teachers over hundreds of years.
Macrocosmic Orbit: The energy circuit through the legs to top of head and back down
Marrow Washing: A Chi Kung method that rejuvenates the bone marrow.
Marshall Hoo: Teacher in California: created National Tai Chi Chuan Association. See page one of this website unde
Meridian: Energy pathway in the body. Similar to the way blood flows through blood vessels, energy in the body
Microcosmic Orbit: The energy circuit from the perineum up the back, around the head and back down.
Ming mung: Ming men--on the back, slightly above the tan tien (between thrid and fourth lumbar vertebrae--an en
Nei Kung (Nei Gong): Internal Work
Peng Jing: This jing is described as having the body/energetic quality of a raft floating on water.
Peng Lu (Pan Leui): A compound movement: Ward Off, Peng (Pan) and Roll Back, Lu (Leui.) Peng (Pan), 'ward off,' is the m
Push Hand: A drill or game in Tai Chi that allows students to practice their tai chi skills, energetics and mov
push hands: Training with a partner to learn Tai chi principles. Using principles of 'sticking' or adhereing, fo
Qi (Hei): Life force or vital energy. The Chinese character for qi is a pictogram of steam rising from (cookin
qigong: Chi kung, pronounced the same
Sanbao Guiyuan (Saambou Gwaiyin): A meditative Qigong practice for restoring and rebalancing three realms of human nature. 'Sanbao (Sa
She Ding Shang E (Sit Ding Seung Ngok): Raising the tongue to the top of the mouth ?€” an essential part of taijiquan posture. The tongu
Shen: Emotional mind intent. You use your mind or intent to use the energy stored in your body (chi.) How
Song (Sung): Loosening. Relaxation. A prerequisite for the free flow of qi is a state of relaxation in every part
string of pearls: Or string of beads: the spine: perfectly straight, suspended, yet loose, relaxed.
Sui (Cheui): Suicheui.pngfollow. Accompany. Listen. Submit. Obey. Sui (Cheui) describes Taijiquan's response to a
Sung: A relaxed body/mental state. This is different from collapsed or flimsy.
Ta-Mo: Known as Bodhidharma, created exercises in the Shao-lin Temple.
Tai Chi: Taiji, Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan ?€“ Grand Ultimate Fist. A form of internal kung Fu.
Tai Chi Chuan: The 'form of Tai Chi' or Tai Chi Boxing.
Taijiquan (Taaigikkyun): Ji: the ultimate The key to the term's meaning is the derivation of the central character Ji (Gik,)
tan tien: The area 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the navel--an enrgy reservoir, psychic center and center of gravity
Taoism: Ancient philosophy of China, focusing on man's relationship with nature, and of the body to the mind
temple exercises: Warm up exercises done before the Tai Chi form
The art of Living: Dr. Ho'o's definition of Tai Chi Chuan
Tu mai: Governing vessel, travelling up the midline of the back, over the head, down the front of face to up
Wu Chi: Wuji ?€“ This is a posture in Tai Chi. It often describes emptiness or a state where yin and yan
Wu Shu: Chinese Martial Arts, This is usually used to refer to the more acrobatic sport versions of Chinese
Yang: Male, fast, aggressive, hard, light, hot, etc?€¦ The opposite/complement of Yin.
Yang Chen-Fu: Died in 1936: extended the form and teachings.
Yang Lew Shan: Yang the Invinsible, began the Yang Family style.
Yellow Emperor: Supposed writer of the Nei Ching, book of medicine, herbology: c. 2500 BC
Yi: Intellectual mind intent. Acting with forethought and planning would be a usage of Yi.
Yielding: There is no defense: there is only yeilding.--Cheng Man Ching
Yin: Female, slow, yielding, soft, dark, cold, etc?€¦ The opposite/complement of Yang.
Yin and Yang: Two complementary opposing forces in the universe. See page one of this website under Philosophy.
Zhou (Jao): elbow, one of the Eight Gates energies. The elbow, through its sharp physical structure, can deliver